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Convert your Garmin FIT files to tcx files with this tiny command line utility.

Some data will be lost (e.g. Temperature) since there is no target field in TCX. You will only be able to convert FIT Activity files, no other fit files types (like WEIGHT, GOALS, MONITORING, …) can be converted.


Usage: fit2tcx -i <INPUTFILE> [-o <OUTPUTFILE>]
	-i <INPUTFILE> - fit file to convert
	-o <OUTPUTFILE> - tcx file to write (if not specified, stdout will be used)
	--help - output usage information
	--version - output version and usage information


Ubuntu users can simply follow these instructions:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andreas-diesner/garminplugin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fit2tcx

Source Code

The project is hosted on GitHub. Feel free to contribute.

git clone git://
fit2tcx.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/13 18:45 (external edit)     Back to top